Tourism Video Sekongkang

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making of video SekongkangYou may have seen tourism video of a region or country. The purpose of the video is to promote the tourism potential of a place. Such as tourism videos from Bali, Lombok, Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Papua, Sumatra, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi, and so on. Included also in the larger scope, the state. Such as videos from Indonesia (Wonderfull Indonesia), Thailand (Amazing Thailand), Malaysia (Truly Asia) and so on.

Some of the tourism video is made ​​by the tourism department or the state government. While it's rare a similar tourism video made ​​by private institutions, organizations, or communities. But the video below was created by the organization (team non-profit).

shooting tourism video Sekongkang A team of 22 people, design 2 tourism video to Sekongkang. This team is NTB-11 from KKN PPM UGM 2013. Making this video is one of the program of team activities KKN-PPM UGM 2013, Unit NTB 11. This video aims to show the beauty of nature Sekongkang, West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Not only that, in this video also shows the activities traveled what can be done in Sekongkang. Ranging from fishing, surfing, swimming, snorkeling, tracking down a waterfall, relax in the hotel, resort, homestay, enjoy a beautiful sunset and many more. There are many exciting things you can do in Sekongkang.

the scene tourism video Sekongkang behind the scene tourism video Sekongkang

Tourism Video Sekongkang (Teaser)

Explore Sekongkang-A Bit Taste of Heaven (Tourism Short Film)

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Tropical Resort

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Gazebo Tropical BeachOne of the reasons why many foreign tourists who vacation in Sekongkang is because  already available facilities resorts and hotels in the beach location. Almost all beach areas in Sekongkang been owned by businessmen who have invested their assets in land and lodging. Almost all of them are businessmen from overseas in cooperation with local residents. But there are also some Indonesian businessmen.
Hotel Tropical Beach Resort
From the some famous resort here, there is one resort that can be spelled the most famous in Sekongkang, it is Tropical Beach Club and Spa Resort. Its location right on Tropical beach. Tropical Resort and Spa provides many amenities that pamper the tourists, both surf lovers or beach lovers as a whole. Swimming pool, variety of room types, bar serving international food and beverage, and the gazebo with the lounge chairs overlooking the beach is the main attraction this resort. Not only that, other facilities such as wifi, billiard table, gym, the surfboard, rental cars and motorcycles are also available.

Tropical Beach Resort Sekongkang SumbawaTropical Resort is the most luxurious resort on the entire resort in Sekongkang Bawah. The resort owner and owner of Tropical lands are Mrs. Sri Wahyu 'White' or commonly known by the nickname, Mrs. Yuni. Mother of Andrew White (artist) bought land from one citizen Sekongkang Bawah. About 200 meters to east the Tropical resort, there is an airport whose construction is still half finished. Ownership of the airport was initially held by Mrs. Yuni, but this time has been purchased by the Government KSB (West Sumbawa regency).

Tropical Beach Hotel SekongkangThe target of this resort is foreign tourists, so that the unit price at every fare of this resort is USD and use the international standard fare. Rates per night pegged for between 190 USD to 220 USD. By getting facilities such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, 2 beers per day, daily Surfguide, transport to local surf breaks, local tour with guide, and the there is also golf and speedboat with a requirement minimum 7 days stay. According to the guide from Lombok who works freelance at Nomad Tropical travel agen, instruction and teaching surfing is charged IDR 50,000 per day, and for the rent a surfboard IDR 150,000 per day.

Nomad Tropical Beach Resort
Romanticism of Tropical beach can be found when night comes. The extent of the star-studded sky and the shining moon. Bright of moon can illuminate the sea and coral reefs, causing the beautiful glittering lights of reflection, give light on scales of fish in the sea, and the color of white sand. Charm of Tropical beach is not cheap because all the sacrifices can be paid off by the outstanding natural beauty. Perfection is directly proportional to expensive price, isn't it?

Written by Vegasari Adya
Foto by Luthfi N Freandana

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Tropical Beach

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Tropical beach from top
The hordes cattle on road intercept our trip. Asphalt road along the village in Sekongkang still has a pretty good quality. Rarely found a hole, you'll only find the cow or horse patties that has dried up hahaha.. Here, road traffic can be said to be very deserted. Even though, super quality tires with body ford ranger, hilux, strada, matic motor, or stray cows also enjoy these public facilities. No wonder motorist spur vehicle above 40 km/h. Except this time, we reduce the speed even stopped to succumb to other road users. Yes, the trip to Tropical beach stopped by hordes of cattle was crossing.
Beautiful Tropical beach

Activities Tropical BeachWhen it going out from the settlement area of Sekongkang village, along the way I look, on the east side towering wooded hills and a variety of other living creatures that are hidden behind it. On the opposite side, the gardens with wooden fence stood upright, and estuary which flanked by Lawar Beach and Pesir Beach. There are some beautiful beaches that bypassed during the journey to the Tropical Beach. They are Pesir Beach, Santai Beach, Rantung Beach, and Yoyo Beach. Some beaches such as Santai Beach, Rantung Beach and Yoyo Beach has signpost markers. Not only indicates that there is beach but also a lounge bar, restaurant, and homestay.
tropical beach
The winding road to the south ended with the discovery of a marker that reads Tropical Beach at the intersection of four. The intersection of four is not so clear because the road to the east and to the west is no longer paved. If eastwards towards Townside, while to the west is the direction of my destination, Tropical Beach. Less than 1 kilometer, there is Tropical Resort and Spa. This resort like be a portal to Tropical Beach. Do not worry, if just to be able enjoy the beach, you do not need to entrance the resort and not have to pay, no ticket or free. If driving, the parking is free. Indeed there is no guard for your vehicle and parking area, do not be afraid, because the local people believe that the security of the area is reasonably assured. It is a fact that almost all visitors at the Sekongkang beach are foreign tourists, even is very rarely found domestic travelers.

Sekongkang Tropical beachMy wearily trip shortchanged by enjoy the beautiful landscape Tropical Beach under a gazebo with shady thatched roof. White sand studded coral forming pretty patterns made ​​by waves of the beach. Gradation sea blue of tropical beach be refresh eyes. This beach be more enchanting with towering hills frames. Some bule carrying their surfboard and ran to waves. While two fisherman throws his net to hunt fish. Breeze and buzzing waves disguise the hot sun this day.

Tropical Beach Sekongkang Bawah

Written by Vegasari Adya
Foto by Luthfi N Freandana

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Bukan Do'a Untuk Aku

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Aku bersiap melihat kelemahan
Aku bergegas merasakan kesempurnaan
Mati rasakah mereka?
Surga yg tidak dapat dilihat
Hamba tau ini garis hidupmu
Memberi mereka kekuatan dalam kelumpuhan
Memberikan ketegaran dalam kesakitan
Butuh? Ya aku butuh dan sangat butuh guru seperti mereka
Mereka bukan lemah tetapi mereka tabah
Mereka tidak jahat tetapi mereka bertahan
Tuhan jangan biarkan debu menjadi teman mereka
Jangan biarkan cacian menjadi penambah kerapuhan
Jangan biarkan kekurangan menjadi penderitaan
Hamba tau... Mereka berada dijalanMu
Bahkan lebih dari aku

by : Indhok Bolis
fb : Linda Maya Sastra
tw : @Qiu_Bolis
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Kenangan Abadi

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Tentang apa itu kebahagiaan, tentang apa itu penyesalan, tentang apa itu kesedihan
Bagaimana penantian paling keji ketika janji tak terpenuhi
Bagaimana bulan tak lagi indah ketika hitam menghampiri
Bagaimana mentari tak lagi hangat ketika badai menerjang
Tatkala jiwa menjadi begitu rapuh saat kekasih tak kunjung datang
Hati yang haus akan kasih dahulu
Hingga senyum bukan lagi bahagia, hingga tawa bukanlah suka
Hingga air mata itu mengering dan menghempaskannya dalam derita tanpa akhir
Tantang bagaimana sesal dan maaf tak lagi berarti
Tentang bagaimana sang merah merangkul jiwa yang suci
Menghancurkannya dalam duka terdalam
Lantas, pantaskah mata ini menangis...?
Pantaskah hati ini bersedih....?
Pantaskah bibir ini berucap maaf...?
Setelah jiwa yang hancur karena kepergianku
Dan kepergiannya tak akhiri semua derita
Namun wajah itu selalu bahagia di tengah kegalauan
Meski mentari dan bulan datang silih berganti
Senyum tetaplah senyum, tawa akan selalu menjadi tawa
Ketulusan itu tiada kan ku lupa
Walau air mata tak mampu merengkuhnya kembali
Karena kenangan akan selalu abadi

by : Sri Kinanty Rahayu

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Teringat saat pertama aku mengenalmu...
Aku tersenyum jika mengingat waktu itu...
Melihat wajahmu, mendengarkanmu bernyanyi...

        Oh Tuhan, apa yang telah terjadi padaku?
        Sungguh aku ingin melihatmu
        Aku ingin menyentuhmu
        Aku ingin bercanda tawa denganmu
        Aku ingin bernyanyi bersamamu

Setiap hari tidak pernah satupun aku terlewat mengingat tentangmu
Jika saja jarak tidak menjadi penghalang
Aku ingin sekali berlari kepadamu dan berteriak bahwa aku mencintaimu

        Tetap bersatulah
        Jangan pernah terpisahkan

Jika Tuhan memberikanku umur yg panjang
Izinkan aku untuk memandang wajahmu
Kumohon percaya padaku
Aku akan mencintaimu
Untuk hari ini

Besok dan seterusnya... Selalu 

by: Fidyatun Thoyibah
fb: Fidyatun Thoyibah
tw: @fidyathoyibah56

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