A Bit Taste of Heaven

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A bit taste of heaven is a tagline that we created for this website. Tagline that sort of slogan that is usually used for brand marketing and advertising materials. The idea behind this concept is to create a memorable phrase that reinforces the memory of other people or users of products. This is one of our ways to package and branding this website as a product that easily can be enjoyed by visitors.

Tagline creation was spearheaded by a team of KKN-PPM UGM (Unit NTB 11). Creation of this website is also one of their programs while serving in rural communities Sekongkang Bawah, Sekongkang district, West Sumbawa, Indonesia.

Why this website tagline like that?
Sekongkang, our hometown is an area with a lot of potential. One was from the mining sector, agriculture, and tourism. Wealth from the bowels of the earth were excavated in mining generate substantial revenue that has sustained people's lives here. Not only that, agriculture is also a wealth of other assets of the Sekongkang region. And when you look at this area as a tourist, you will find the coast with white sand, clear blue water, cliffs and hills on either side of the beach is looming, the location of surfing with challenging waves for a try, sunrise and sunset are not inferior to beach in Bali or Lombok, as well as accommodation (resort) that is very sufficient. One more reason which increasingly make you while in this place where feels like a taste of heaven is a real culture Sekongkang that unique and diverse. If explored further you will find art, handicraft, history, language, cuisine typical of this region  that you might not find in other areas.

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Anniversary of RI-68

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Hhmmm.... Do not feel already 68 years passed... Precisely August 17, 1945, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta read a proclamation of independence of our country, the Republic of Indonesia beloved after a long and exhausting struggle of our heroes.... Surely we as the future generation feel proud of it... On this day, August 17, 2013, we commemorate the anniversary of RI-68 .... Happy Birthday my lovely country ......!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, on this special day, youth Sekongkang also want to divide the story about the Independence Day ceremony in sub Sekongkang.... Although not as busy as the Independence Day ceremony at the court's independence, but the ceremony in Sekongkang not less exciting, guys..... The spirit of nationalism still feels thick.... Here comes the news...............
Congratulations Reading ......!!!!!!!!!!!

Flag-raising ceremony to commemorate the 68th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, August 17, 2013 in the district Sekongkang place exciting. The ceremony was attended by all walks of life, ranging from students, university students, civil servants / KORPRI, TNI / Police, figures / religious / community and lasted from 7:00-8:00 pm at the district office Sekongkang front yard.

Independence Day commemoration ceremony is more spectacular when the raising of the Red and White were escorted by 25 soldiers flag raisers (paskibra) and accompanied by the national anthem Indonesia Raya sung by the students of SMA Negeri 1 Sekongkang. Mr Sirajuddin, the head Sekongkang district, as the ceremony of West Sumbawa Regent recited mandate to inspire the spirit of patriotism, nationalism, unity and integrity of the people of West Sumbawa. There is also the anniversary of independence song sung with enthusiasm by students of SMAN 1 Sekongkang.

In the afternoon, at 16:30 to 17:00 pm carried the flag lowering ceremony participants only some of the participants at the morning ceremony (flag raising). Although the participants of the ceremony is reduced, but did not affect the implementation of the ceremony and the spirit of nationalism still feels thick. The Red and White flag raisers derived by forces without the mandate of the inspectors ceremony, Police Chief Sekongkang.

Preparation memorial 68th Anniversary of RI is prepared from a month earlier. In the middle of the holy month of Ramadan, the students of SMAN 1 Sekongkang are recruited into the army flag raisers with regular and intensive practice tirelessly. Forces under the guidance of the flag raisers Sergeant Albert M. Babinsa show their best skills for raising and lowering the Red and White on August 17, 2013.

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Perpas Waterfall

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Perpas waterfall located in the Kemuning village, Sekongkang district, West Sumbawa. This tourist spot are rarely visited by tourists. The lack of access and exposure about this tourist spot by the public makes this tourist spot quiet visitors. If you would like to visit these places, you can travel from Lombok or Mataram to Sekongkang by using private vehicle or public transportation. When using public transport you can go up DAMRI, from near the terminal Mataram to Sekongkang with an estimated time of 5 hours and a rate of about 75,000 IDR. After arriving in Sekongkang you must go into the street beside Police Station Sekongkang. It is the pathway to the river that will take you to the Perpas waterfall.

Beautiful natural shades direct we can feel when set foot on this tourist spot. Arriving at the river for the next trip to the waterfall you have to tracking through terrain unspoiled forest. You will find exciting ways to get to the tourist sites. Due to these attractions are located in the dense forest, then you must follow the directions in the form of a pink ribbon. Yep, the pink ribbon is placed in the trunk or branch of the tree that was the signpost to the waterfall.

There are two paths to the waterfall Perpas. The first route is through the right side of the river and into the woods. Here you will pass through the strip is not too wide and will pass through several tributaries. The travel time for the first route is approximately 1.5 hours. While the second route is through the left side of the river and into the woods. However, in this second path to the waterfall can be quite wide. In fact, it can be said to have made ​​the path to this tourist spot though still a trail. For the travel time is only about 30 minutes. So, when you visit here is highly recommended to skip this second route.

Swarm of butterflies and flow of river water calm and clear will welcome your presence. You can stand on top of the rocks that surround the falls and looked down. Line of green trees, beautiful blue sky, plus a stream of clear water, and the rush of wind and the breeze made us like being in heaven. This waterfall is different from most of the waterfalls. That's because the waterfalls flow here has a waterfall that is not too high. In addition, there are rock pools that can be used for swimming. You can jump from the rocks above the pool to enjoy the cool and fresh water in the pool.

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Welcome to Amazing Sekongkang

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Sekongkang located in West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. These district located on the southern most tip of West Sumbawa has a distance of about 37 Km from the capital city of Taliwang district. Precisely located in the southwestern part of Sumbawa Island or southeast of the island of Lombok. Has an area of ​​approximately 372.42 km2 with predominantly lowland hilly and coastal areas. With assets owned Sekongkang, it included the  second largest district in West Sumbawa regency after Taliwang district. There are about 8,295 inhabitants in Sekongkang consisting of natives and migrants. Even so, they still hold the culture, customs, and religious beliefs strongly.

According to BPS data in 2013 this district comprises villages: Sekongkang Bawah, Sekongkang Atas, Tongo, Ai Kangkung, Tatar, Talonang Baru, Persiapan Kemuning and UPT Tongo II SP 2. The capital of this district in the Sekongkang Bawah village. Presence the copper mine in area Sekongkang make this area a destination migrants. Despite being in the area around the mine (Newmont Nusa Tenggara), but this area has a huge tourism potential.

Coast tourism became a mainstay Sekongkang , especially the Sekongkang Bawah village which has 24.16 km length of the coastline or beaches. The beaches in coastal region Sekongkang Bawah has been recognized by many tourists, especially foreign tourists because of  beauty of nature and unspoiled beaches by many people. One place where you will get a different tourist experience. Here you will explore the beauty of the white sand beaches, lodging, and stunning hill. Sekongkang bordering the southern ocean, the Indian Ocean, has a coastline with very good waves for surfing.

Welcome to Amazing Sekongkang !

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